Doolittle Farm
USDA Certified Organic
This grower has a photo album.
MAY NEWSLETTER : May 4, 2010
We made it through April; snow, rain and 70 degree weather all in one month! Spring is well on its way and the garden is beginning to show signs of life. Come to think of it – I had shorts on while moving the sheep’s fence just last Sunday so I guess summer is fast on our heels!
We have had our first very successful hatch of chicks! They vary different shades of white and black; a total of 43. Our second hatch is expected this week. We have both Freedom Rangers and Doolittle Rangers growing and adjusting to our brooders and farm but we are a bit behind schedule. This means that we won’t have chicken ready until the last week of June or first week of July. I apologize for this inconvenience and hope that you can find other local food to get you through the next 8 weeks – I hope the waiting will peak your culinary experience!
The ground is drying quickly so it won’t be long before the layers are enjoying the green pastures. They have been extremely restless waiting for the move, so I opened up their fence line giving them access to the hosre pasture. I am not sure Pete and Paul (Nick’s drafts) are very pleased, but the chickens were thrilled. I am keeping my fingers crossed that we get them moved to the pasture before any predators spy the easy meal! Our pullets, living in the sheep barn, have been given free access to the barn and are greedily cleaning up what the sheep have left behind. They are quite thrilled not to be dodging the hooves of the four footed giants.
Our lambs are here; 26 of them enjoying mom’s milk and the fresh green grass of the lawn! Our ewes are thrilled to be enjoying the grass, clover and (their favorite) the dandelions. It’s nice to see them so full and content.
“Mulch, Mulch, Mulch”, Hilary’s weekend mantra while she returns home from UVM on weekends; got to get those berries ready for July. We just pulled our last pint of 2009 berries out of the freezer so it’s going to be a long couple months of singing the blues!
This will be the first official month of our on line market! If you haven’t established an account yet, please do! We have expanded our offerings to include beef from Harvey Park Farm, baked goods from Toot Sweet Bakery and honey from Lemon Fair Apiaries. We invite you to create your account and receive weekly product updates and the opportunity to order high quality local product from the convenience of your home.
Bay Hammond and Family